Sunday, April 25, 2010

The tears have srpung!

The kids have been "emotional" since we started discussing Bon's departure this past week. Tonight was the worst so far, and probably just a glimpse of the near future. I know my children and I will be just fine while Jonathan is away, we will rise to the ocasion and eat lots of chocolate.

I told Isaac that daddy's was going out tonight with the guys , he asked if he could go, and when I said no he simply fell apart in hysteria. He thought for sure I was lying to him and daddy was leaving for good. He broke my heart, he was so devastated. Jonathan came to the rescue and talked Isaac through it all and brought him back to sanity.

Ugh this is hard. I know we chose this, and we knew what we were getting into, but it is still a tough thing. We are joining into a great brotherhood so to speak. I'm not sure how I feel about it all.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So, Jonathan recieved the much dreaded "call" today! He will be headed off to "boot camp" On May 5th, just under two weeks away. This has been a long long process of prayer and decision, for 2 years now. He officially enlisted this past november, and they just now had an opening for him to go to basic.

Let's just say I have had ample time to ponder this whole thing, and yet, I feel completely unprepared! I keep telling myself it is only 8 weeks! Of course I think this would not be soo trying if I knew for sure he would be safe and happy where he was, but no. I mean, who likes boot camp? Well if you know Jonathan, you know he will be just fine. He is an extremely adventurous person with a strong desire to serve and be a apart of something.

Hello, what about me and the kiddos?? I honestly have not been without Jonathan's listening ear and loving relationship for 9 years!! Seriously, we may have been apart at the most a week at a time, and even then we talked on the phone constantly. This will be a whole new world. He will call for just a few mins only on sundays, arg.

Well, this is the life we have signed up for. This is not the only time he will be leaving us to go to some far away place for a few months. I have to say, though I am feeling a little uneasy and sad to have him gone, I am filled with the Lord's peace in my life. I know he has equiped me to be a strong woman. He has given me an awesome support system!

Stay alert people..I feel a slew of blogs to come! That is if you.. umm.. even care;)